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Geophysicist offers powerful reasoning to believe God MUST exist!

Posted: Sat May 04, 2024 9:00 pm
by Philip

Here, in an excellent and wide-ranging discussion, Piers Morgan interviews best-selling author Stephen Meyer, PhD, as he provides extraordinary scientific evidences that God MUST exist and that only a great Intelligence could have produced our universe, whereas before it, NO matter existed. And what this means is, as all materialist explanations for the universe must depend upon something previously existing, at that prior point when nothing MATERIAL yet existed. And so, whatever caused our universe HAD to stand outside of time, matter and space - because they didn't yet exist, before the universe came into existence. Meyer provides many compelling reasons while also posing some important questions that people should consider. Discussed are various theories, fine-tuning arguments, the idea of a multiverse, Dawkins, philosophical and scientific reasoning, etc. GREAT interview!