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Why do men have more dominance than women?

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 8:35 am
by Dallas
About three days ago I got into a little argument on why men are much more dominant than their female counter parts.

Let me be clear about this, what I said to her I did not agree with, but it's the truth.

So here's the scoop. A friend of mine posted something on facebook asking why when men have sex they get called a "Stud," but when women have sex they are considered a "whore" or a "****." Which is true.
So I said it has to do with the dominance between a male and a female. Males are considered to have a higher dominance than females, because of the way we're built (physically). Which I find, by the Grace of God, completely unacceptable.
A female posted a reply saying that is not true, men are not more dominant than a female. Then I explained to her the reason why they we are "considered" to be dominant. I kept coming back to the physical factors, compared to the mental factors.

So am I correct on this or no? I do believe without a shadow of a doubt, that men are more dominant (in the sinful word) because of their physical attributes, compared to their mental.

Again I am going to stress, dominance should not be judged on physical contact.

Re: Why do men have more dominance than women?

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 3:16 pm
by Silvertusk
I am more dominate than my wife because she told me I could be. :ebiggrin:

Re: Why do men have more dominance than women?

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 4:08 pm
by RickD
I believe men are more dominant because

1)men are physically stronger than women,
2)men are intellectually superior to women

When my wife gets a superiority complex, I usually just club her over the head, and then drag her, by her hair, back into the cave. Where she should be making me a sammich.

Re: Why do men have more dominance than women?

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 5:35 pm
by Furstentum Liechtenstein
RickD wrote:When my wife gets a superiority complex, I usually just club her over the head, and then drag her, by her hair, back into the cave. Where she should be making me a sammich.
You big Dummy! Yer s'posed to keep yer wife pregnint non-stop so she dont git enuf rest to think on her own. Thet way sheel never git no superiority complex.


Re: Why do men have more dominance than women?

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 8:08 am
by Dallas
You guys make me laugh :P

Re: Why do men have more dominance than women?

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 11:43 am
by wrain62
It is the testosterone too. It makes us have a predisposition to knock something down and then beat our chest in pride. We are only considered more dominant because we want it more, so we strive for that reputation in the eyes of ourselves and others. Then we get into positions where we can abuse our power more than women can abuse theirs. But women do have ability to abuse in ways men cannot too. True dominance is measured in God and by God, And it is the meek not the abusers of power that will inherit it.

Re: Why do men have more dominance than women?

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 7:48 pm
by Tina
RickD wrote:I believe men are more dominant because

1)men are physically stronger than women,
2)men are intellectually superior to women

When my wife gets a superiority complex, I usually just club her over the head, and then drag her, by her hair, back into the cave. Where she should be making me a sammich.

Re: Why do men have more dominance than women?

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 2:02 pm
by jestes
You've got two issues in one regarding your post.

1. Is it worse for a girl to be promiscuous or for a man?

2. Are men inherently more dominant than women?

To answer the first one: It's wrong for people of either gender to go around "hooking up" and sleeping with whoever walks by. We don't need to debate that one, but I beleive that it is worse for a girl to be promiscuous than for a guy. Reason being, it's more personal for her. She is letting someone inside, which is a deeply personal thing. Which one makes you more vulnerable: To go over to someone else's house, or for you to have them over to yours? If the person you invited over to your house breaks something and leaves, who is left to clean up the mess? Along those same lines though, it takes two to tango....

To answer the second one: I don't want to use the terms dominant and submissive, but I do feel that every relationship has to have one leader. We all have two hands, but people are almost always right hand dominant or left hand dominant. Without a defined leader, it becomes difficult for a relationship to have a clear direction. If both people constantly ask the other where they want to go to dinner, no progress is ever made. Sooner or later, someone has to put a foot down and make a choice. That's not to say that a man should "rule" with an iron fist, but he should exemplify some of the qualities that make a man a man. Ask most women what they are attracted to, and it will likely be manly qualities such as: leadership, strength, courage, intelligence, confidence, drive, and so on. Being a man also means standing up and protecting those he loves. How many women say things like, "I feel so safe when I'm with him." Once again, this is not a call to be a dictator, but to be a firm and devoted leader who is complimented, supported, and strengthened by the wife at his side.

Re: Why do men have more dominance than women?

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 9:46 pm
by Tina
jestes wrote:You've got two issues in one regarding your post.

1. Is it worse for a girl to be promiscuous or for a man?

2. Are men inherently more dominant than women?

To answer the first one: It's wrong for people of either gender to go around "hooking up" and sleeping with whoever walks by. We don't need to debate that one, but I beleive that it is worse for a girl to be promiscuous than for a guy. Reason being, it's more personal for her. She is letting someone inside, which is a deeply personal thing. Which one makes you more vulnerable: To go over to someone else's house, or for you to have them over to yours? If the person you invited over to your house breaks something and leaves, who is left to clean up the mess? Along those same lines though, it takes two to tango....

To answer the second one: I don't want to use the terms dominant and submissive, but I do feel that every relationship has to have one leader. We all have two hands, but people are almost always right hand dominant or left hand dominant. Without a defined leader, it becomes difficult for a relationship to have a clear direction. If both people constantly ask the other where they want to go to dinner, no progress is ever made. Sooner or later, someone has to put a foot down and make a choice. That's not to say that a man should "rule" with an iron fist, but he should exemplify some of the qualities that make a man a man. Ask most women what they are attracted to, and it will likely be manly qualities such as: leadership, strength, courage, intelligence, confidence, drive, and so on. Being a man also means standing up and protecting those he loves. How many women say things like, "I feel so safe when I'm with him." Once again, this is not a call to be a dictator, but to be a firm and devoted leader who is complimented, supported, and strengthened by the wife at his side.
Or the couple could just compromise and make decisions together like a healthy relationship should. Lay out options, elimate the ones disagreed upon. A relationship is not man-90% woman-10%...a relationship is not even 50/50- it is more like 30/70 one day or 60/40 another day and so on. A real relationship involves "give and take" to consider the happiness of the relationship and each individual

Re: Why do men have more dominance than women?

Posted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 10:30 pm
by Ivellious
Tina, you basically took the words out of my mouth. I'll call B.S. on anybody that tries to justify putting men on a higher level than women for any reason, especially when their arguments involve outdated gender stereotypes and calls that men are destined to be leaders.

Re: Why do men have more dominance than women?

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 3:57 am
by domokunrox
I actually have a great article for this that I refer to.

Its a good read.

and I loved this comment. Can't stress this enough.
That's not to say that a man should "rule" with an iron fist, but he should exemplify some of the qualities that make a man a man.
Let the man be a man when he needs to be a man.

Re: Why do men have more dominance than women?

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 9:44 am
by Ivellious
Just glancing through the Florida State article, I found some serious flaws in his logic (especially in the area of economics). He also makes a few claims that seem a little absurd and a few that are completely opinions, not based in historical fact (for instance, his explanation of why killing women and children is considered worse than killing men and how that concept emerged is ludicrous). He also "cites" statistics that he obviously is making up on the spot, and I found several quick references to discredit some of his claims. He basically tries to spin everything to say that "actually, men have it way worse than women, so shut up and let us do our thing." Also, he kind of doesn't understand evolutionary theory. He kind of butchers its basic principles to make a point.

Not all that impressed. His very first point is valid, that high risk-taking has favored men throughout history...but after that it falls flat. And even that point can rather easily be countered by saying that women simply haven't been allowed to take "risks" throughout history.

Re: Why do men have more dominance than women?

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 2:10 pm
by Dallas
Ivellious wrote: Not all that impressed. His very first point is valid, that high risk-taking has favored men throughout history...but after that it falls flat. And even that point can rather easily be countered by saying that women simply haven't been allowed to take "risks" throughout history.
Tina wrote:Or the couple could just compromise and make decisions together like a healthy relationship should. Lay out options, elimate the ones disagreed upon. A relationship is not man-90% woman-10%...a relationship is not even 50/50- it is more like 30/70 one day or 60/40 another day and so on. A real relationship involves "give and take" to consider the happiness of the relationship and each individual
Yes, but i'm not saying men are "more" dominant. I'm saying what the world says. And I do agree it should be an even 50/50, it just never happens like that. And it makes me upset.

Re: Why do men have more dominance than women?

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 4:30 pm
by Tina
Dallas wrote:
Ivellious wrote: Not all that impressed. His very first point is valid, that high risk-taking has favored men throughout history...but after that it falls flat. And even that point can rather easily be countered by saying that women simply haven't been allowed to take "risks" throughout history.
Tina wrote:Or the couple could just compromise and make decisions together like a healthy relationship should. Lay out options, elimate the ones disagreed upon. A relationship is not man-90% woman-10%...a relationship is not even 50/50- it is more like 30/70 one day or 60/40 another day and so on. A real relationship involves "give and take" to consider the happiness of the relationship and each individual
Yes, but i'm not saying men are "more" dominant. I'm saying what the world says. And I do agree it should be an even 50/50, it just never happens like that. And it makes me upset.
The world is full of evil, I don't follow the world. And it's not 50/50. It's different everyday. I've lived with ppl who put one individual of the relationship in a more controlling position....they are not healthy relationships

Re: Why do men have more dominance than women?

Posted: Wed Mar 21, 2012 4:33 pm
by Tina
Ivellious wrote:Tina, you basically took the words out of my mouth. I'll call B.S. on anybody that tries to justify putting men on a higher level than women for any reason, especially when their arguments involve outdated gender stereotypes and calls that men are destined to be leaders.
Thank you, Invellious. I agree.