Scholars reveal evidences for Israel's Exodus from Egyptian slavery!

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Scholars reveal evidences for Israel's Exodus from Egyptian slavery!

Post by Philip »


See the powerful evidences for the Bible's passages concerning the Exodus of ancient Israel, as God freed her from their enslavement by pharaoh and the Egyptians:

You gotta see this video, by Drs. Frank Turek, Titus Kennedy, and Steve Meyer! So often we see it asserted that there is no evidence that the nation of Israel was ever in Egypt, much less of the Exodus itself. Yet, absolutely, there are powerful evidences for for both Israel's presence in Egypt and her Exodus from it. Enjoy!

Note that the plagues God used to free Israel weren't just random acts of miraculous power - but were STRATEGIC in purpose and designed to expose the false gods and theological beliefs of Israel's Egyptian masters - especially see below the explanation as to which Egyptian gods Yahweh exposed - and HOW!

Most people are at least somewhat familiar with the famous plagues of Egypt, which eventually forced Pharaoh to let Israel go free. But what they may not have realized is that the plagues were designed to be very strategic in showing that the false Egyptian gods (and the unseen, demonic entities encouraging belief and worship of them) were powerless in comparison to Yahweh, Israel’s God. In fact, this was a fact powerfully revealed to both the Egyptians AND the Israelites. As one might imagine, after such a long period in slavery, having been so prolifically exposed to the false theologies of the Egyptian's pantheon of gods, many of the Israelites likely wondered how Yahweh could be so powerful and unique, if they were under the severe yoke of a people whose gods weren't at least as powerful. So, God sent plagues specifically targeting Egypt’s key gods, to powerfully reveal they were false and impotent - in contrast to His unlimited control over all things. And for many Egyptians, the massive destruction and death caused by the plagues and Egypt's supposed gods' inability to stop them, eventually began to erode belief and trust in their false gods – to the point that, after the final plague and Pharaoh’s stunning release of the Israelites, the Bible notes ( in Exodus 12), that, “A mixed multitude also went up with them.”

The Egyptians that left with Israel had seen the immense and fearsome power unleashed by the true God, and so they left both their belief in their false god’s and the ruins of Egypt behind them. As pharaoh and the heads of the Egyptian state were completely exposed to being fake, powerless and weak, in contrast to the REAL God, and as they had long asserted themselves and their key offspring to be gods as well (with this being their primary claim to power) - can anyone be surprised that the Egyptians worked hard to sanitize and hide the historical record of their greatest humiliation? Not only did Yahweh expose the pharaohs and their dynasty of supposed “gods” to be complete frauds, but His plagues upon Egypt simultaneously exposed the Egyptians’ theological beliefs and pantheon of worshiped gods to be equally false.

So, what false Egyptian gods did Yahweh humiliate – and HOW?

Hapi - Egyptian god of the Nile
This plague turned the Nile to blood, with all of the fish dying and producing a horrific stench upon the waters.

Heket - Egyptian goddess of fertility, water and renewal
Heket had typically been depicted with the head of a frog. And, in this plague, frogs emerged from the Nile, coming up into every imaginable place, from the Egyptian’s houses, into their food storage, their clothing, etc. - they were everywhere, in huge numbers.

Geb - Egyptian god of the earth and farming
Geb was controlled the dust of the earth. As instructed, Aaron stretched out his rod and struck the ground – causing the dust of the earth to become lice throughout Egypt, plaguing men and animals.

Khepri - Egyptian god of creation, movement of the sun and rebirth
Khepri, was depicted with the head of a fly. The plague targeting him caused a massive swarms of flies, causing great misery across the land.

Hathor-Egyptian goddess of love and protection
Usually this Egyptian goddess was depicted with the head of a cow. This strategic plague caused massive deaths of cattle and livestock, with the result that widespread disease brought the deaths of cattle and livestock across the Egypt. This also left an enormous economic disaster in its wake.

Isis - Egyptian goddess of medicine and peace
In the plague against this goddess, ashes turned to boils and sores, which began physically inflicting the people of Egypt with untold misery. God instructed Moses to take ashes from the furnace of affliction - and so he tossed them into the air, with the ash dust blowing all across Egypt. As it fell, it caused boils and sores upon men and animals. All during these plagues upon the Egyptians, God protected His covenant people Israel from their horrific impacts. And, as maintaining cleanliness was of paramount importance to Egyptians, this plague made the Egyptians so physically disgusting that it left even Pharaoh’s magicians unable to physically perform their religious rituals to their gods. And as they were also rendered ritually unclean, these magicians weren’t even able to physically stand before Pharaoh. In fact, only Moses and Aaron were able to stand before him.

Nut- Egyptian goddess of the sky
In the plague against the goddess Nut, hailstones of unimaginable size rained down from the sky upon the Egyptians, turning to fire as they struck the earth. This caused a massive economic disaster on an unfathomable scale, as it destroyed massive amounts of Egypt’s field crops!

Seth - Egyptian god of storms and disorder
The plague targeting Seth sent massive swarms of locusts from the sky, decimating whatever crops had been left after the hailstorm / fire plague – so, now the Egyptians’ food supplies had been destroyed, subsequently threatening Egypt’s very survival.

Ra - The Sun god
Revered across Egypt as the god who controlled the sun, this plague showed that he was incapable of maintaining the faintest glimmer of light, as the plague targeting this god brought upon the Egyptians a psychologically and religiously devastating three days of total darkness. When your sun god can’t keep the lights on – well, he’s clearly not very in charge of the sun. Besides pharaoh himself, no other Egyptian god was so revered and worshiped. And, especially after the plagues proceeding it, that impenetrable darkness must have been had them contemplating tremendous despair, condemnation by a truly power God, and likely a premonition of death itself. But Yahweh wasn’t done with the Egyptians yet – as Pharaoh was still resisting Israel’s God.

Pharaoh - Egypt’s most-important god and head of state
Pharaoh was considered the most important and powerful god of the Egyptians – who, before the very last plague, had already been exposed as looking totally powerless, weak and clueless – and far from seeming god-like. So, now, this final plague preceding Israel’s emancipation from Egypt, targeted pharaoh himself! This was the horrific plague of the Passover, in which all firstborn Egyptians and all animals would die (Yahweh’s instructions concerning the Passover were to mark their doors with lamb’s blood so that the angel of death would pass over their households and thus leave them unscathed. With an aftermath of even pharaoh’s first born was struck dead – as pharaoh was considered Egypt’s most important god – again, subsequently, even Egypt's supposed top “god” was then shown to be a complete fraud. So, this final plague not only struck at pharaoh himself, but it also struck at the royal dynasty of the pharaohs, the false belief in them as gods, and in fact, the entire justification for the pharaoh’s ruling the land of Egypt.
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