Antichrist and False Prophet

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Antichrist and False Prophet

Post by thatkidakayoungguy »

What is their identity, are they literal embodiments of the devil, just demon possessed men, a hybrid similar to a nephilim, or something else? I know that they are a mockery of the Trinity, along with Satan, as I think the Antichrist (first Beast of Revelation) is supposed to be pretending to be Jesus or maybe God the Father, while the False Prophet is pretending to be the Holy Spirit or maybe Jesus.
Does the devil have enough power to put his spirit in two people at once? He's a created being and not omnipresent so I wouldn't think so, but he is very powerful.
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Re: Antichrist and False Prophet

Post by abelcainsbrother »

thatkidakayoungguy wrote:What is their identity, are they literal embodiments of the devil, just demon possessed men, a hybrid similar to a nephilim, or something else? I know that they are a mockery of the Trinity, along with Satan, as I think the Antichrist (first Beast of Revelation) is supposed to be pretending to be Jesus or maybe God the Father, while the False Prophet is pretending to be the Holy Spirit or maybe Jesus.
Does the devil have enough power to put his spirit in two people at once? He's a created being and not omnipresent so I wouldn't think so, but he is very powerful.
I would say from my understanding of bible prophecy that the anti-christ will be a real person possessed by a very powerful demon spirit and the false prophet(lamb with two horns) represents a false Christian figure seen as a representative of Christianity eventhough he is not a real Christian and does not or is not teaching/preaching the true gospel.I believe the anti-christ will be seen as the magde to muslims but he is not a real muslim,he just uses Islam to gain his power and influence then he will claim he is God once he is in control and by that time people will ask Who can make war with the beast? He will be so powerful noone can. I believe the anti-christ and the false prophet work together to bring in the mark of the beast system on the whole world.
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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Re: Antichrist and False Prophet

Post by thatkidakayoungguy »

Could he be an incarnation of Abaddon?
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Re: Antichrist and False Prophet

Post by Stu »

It could also surround the whole alien deception paradigm.

Basically aliens (fallen angels) arrive in UFOs and claim they created the first creatures (origin of life) and spliced their DNA with apes when life had evolved far enough, thus creating mankind as we know him today. They could also claim to not be fallen beings and so be higher than us. They then produce a new doctrine where Jesus is either an alien himself or enlightened by aliens. The same goes for Mohammed, etc.

That's it in a nutshell. Bottom line is that the so-called aliens are in fact fallen angels. Many believe this will be the great deception that is spoken of in the Bible. I mean what else could fool the elect when we have known about satan's plan for deception for centuries and think we are wise to his plans. It would need to come from left field, and this certainly does.

The Pope has even said that he will baptise aliens if they ever arrived. The Vatican will be involved in the deception.
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Re: Antichrist and False Prophet

Post by thatkidakayoungguy »

Stu wrote:It could also surround the whole alien deception paradigm.

Basically aliens (fallen angels) arrive in UFOs and claim they created the first creatures (origin of life) and spliced their DNA with apes when life had evolved far enough, thus creating mankind as we know him today. They could also claim to not be fallen beings and so be higher than us. They then produce a new doctrine where Jesus is either an alien himself or enlightened by aliens. The same goes for Mohammed, etc.

That's it in a nutshell. Bottom line is that the so-called aliens are in fact fallen angels. Many believe this will be the great deception that is spoken of in the Bible. I mean what else could fool the elect when we have known about satan's plan for deception for centuries and think we are wise to his plans. It would need to come from left field, and this certainly does.

The Pope has even said that he will baptise aliens if they ever arrived. The Vatican will be involved in the deception.
I've heard about this idea and it actually makes sense. We already have people claiming we came from the stars. Btw, this deception could be strengthened by the modern idea that the Genesis account came from Babylonian/Sumerian myth and is not genuine. In the Sumerian version supposedly a race of beings came down and altered humans so they could work harder, which is supported by the fact that in the fossil record Homo Erectus was more primitive than Homo Heilderbegensis aka Archaic Homo Sapiens, and would further the deception. I think maybe the false prophet's religion will involve a heavy dose of new age-nature worship. We see people claiming that Jesus went to India and was taught there as a young adult, which they claim to support their mystic/new age ideas, and thanks to naturalism and secularism we have people putting nature over God. I don't have to talk about Harambe, sure it was a sad event but many people thought the Gorilla's life was more important than the kids for instance.
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Re: Antichrist and False Prophet

Post by abelcainsbrother »

thatkidakayoungguy wrote:
Stu wrote:It could also surround the whole alien deception paradigm.

Basically aliens (fallen angels) arrive in UFOs and claim they created the first creatures (origin of life) and spliced their DNA with apes when life had evolved far enough, thus creating mankind as we know him today. They could also claim to not be fallen beings and so be higher than us. They then produce a new doctrine where Jesus is either an alien himself or enlightened by aliens. The same goes for Mohammed, etc.

That's it in a nutshell. Bottom line is that the so-called aliens are in fact fallen angels. Many believe this will be the great deception that is spoken of in the Bible. I mean what else could fool the elect when we have known about satan's plan for deception for centuries and think we are wise to his plans. It would need to come from left field, and this certainly does.

The Pope has even said that he will baptise aliens if they ever arrived. The Vatican will be involved in the deception.
I've heard about this idea and it actually makes sense. We already have people claiming we came from the stars. Btw, this deception could be strengthened by the modern idea that the Genesis account came from Babylonian/Sumerian myth and is not genuine. In the Sumerian version supposedly a race of beings came down and altered humans so they could work harder, which is supported by the fact that in the fossil record Homo Erectus was more primitive than Homo Heilderbegensis aka Archaic Homo Sapiens, and would further the deception. I think maybe the false prophet's religion will involve a heavy dose of new age-nature worship. We see people claiming that Jesus went to India and was taught there as a young adult, which they claim to support their mystic/new age ideas, and thanks to naturalism and secularism we have people putting nature over God. I don't have to talk about Harambe, sure it was a sad event but many people thought the Gorilla's life was more important than the kids for instance.

Sounds interesting but I've never heard about this from this perspective.Perhaps you could clarify it so that we can know how this theory goes and it does'nt sound like coded language for only those in the know.
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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Re: Antichrist and False Prophet

Post by thatkidakayoungguy »

abelcainsbrother wrote:
thatkidakayoungguy wrote:
Stu wrote:It could also surround the whole alien deception paradigm.

Basically aliens (fallen angels) arrive in UFOs and claim they created the first creatures (origin of life) and spliced their DNA with apes when life had evolved far enough, thus creating mankind as we know him today. They could also claim to not be fallen beings and so be higher than us. They then produce a new doctrine where Jesus is either an alien himself or enlightened by aliens. The same goes for Mohammed, etc.

That's it in a nutshell. Bottom line is that the so-called aliens are in fact fallen angels. Many believe this will be the great deception that is spoken of in the Bible. I mean what else could fool the elect when we have known about satan's plan for deception for centuries and think we are wise to his plans. It would need to come from left field, and this certainly does.

The Pope has even said that he will baptise aliens if they ever arrived. The Vatican will be involved in the deception.
I've heard about this idea and it actually makes sense. We already have people claiming we came from the stars. Btw, this deception could be strengthened by the modern idea that the Genesis account came from Babylonian/Sumerian myth and is not genuine. In the Sumerian version supposedly a race of beings came down and altered humans so they could work harder, which is supported by the fact that in the fossil record Homo Erectus was more primitive than Homo Heilderbegensis aka Archaic Homo Sapiens, and would further the deception. I think maybe the false prophet's religion will involve a heavy dose of new age-nature worship. We see people claiming that Jesus went to India and was taught there as a young adult, which they claim to support their mystic/new age ideas, and thanks to naturalism and secularism we have people putting nature over God. I don't have to talk about Harambe, sure it was a sad event but many people thought the Gorilla's life was more important than the kids for instance.

Sounds interesting but I've never heard about this from this perspective.Perhaps you could clarify it so that we can know how this theory goes and it does'nt sound like coded language for only those in the know.
:esmile: Ok i'll try. See somewhere in the Sumerian myth (from what I've heard) had these beings coming down from heaven and taking mankind under their wing, to help them get minerals. Bc of this humans are more advanced, and apparently the supporters of this view point to Homo Sapiens being this off-result, which then they would probably try to support it by showing older human fossils like that of Homo Erectus who had very little technological growth and comparing it to the Homo Sapiens who was more innovative. Not only this but they would probably use pagan/new age ideas to make us think that aliens are our ancestors, seeing how many of the gods in mythology are like superhuman so they might've been based on aliens (Ancient Aliens supported this idea) and that they would come down to enlighten us so we'd stop all this war and evil, like we see now. Then they might go further and use what many scholars think and say that God is one of these aliens due to how supposedly Genesis is an uninspired copy of Sumerian/Babylonian myth, and make the deception so strong that most people would fall for it. In so doing people would put nature over God by the False Prophet, who would then guide them to the Antichrist, who is also a created being, and be deceived.
Now most of this is assumption, but the part about the Sumerian story I did hear on Ancient Aliens.
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Re: Antichrist and False Prophet

Post by goingsouth »

The demonic duo, AKA the anti-Christ and false prophet, will come from Islam. The idea that a world dictator is coming with a one world religion and one world government is a pipe dream of the prophecy experts. The kingdom of the man of sin is limited to his 10/7 alliance of nations/people. It's not worldwide.
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Re: Antichrist and False Prophet

Post by thatkidakayoungguy »

goingsouth wrote:The kingdom of the man of sin is limited to his 10/7 alliance of nations/people. It's not worldwide.
What's the 10/7 alliance?
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