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Wow! Radical Saudi Muslim becomes a Christian! But WHY?

Posted: Fri Feb 23, 2024 7:32 pm
by Philip

WHY would this well-educated engineer from Saudi Arabia become a Christian? Here, he describes his fascinating journey toward faith in Christ. Interestingly, he describes many misconceptions people in the Middle Eastern / Muslim world have about Westerners. They typically view most Westerners as being part of Christian world, and did not perceive that many in the West are NOT believers. They also typically see a great correlation between the corruption and evils of Western societies and belief in the Christian God. Also eye-opening is to learn that many Muslims are not religious whatsoever, with many being similar to their counterparts in the "Christian" nations, as they are often merely CULTURAL Muslims - with many, particularly the younger they are, even claiming agnosticism or atheism. And, surprisingly, many Muslims have also drifted into New Age beliefs. Also common is that, many Muslims don't know their Islamic teachings very well (sound similar to many "pew warmers" in Christian churches?). And yet, this man was VERY serious about his Muslim faith - until he was exposed to Christians and the Bible. Despite what he didn't know or understand, he nonetheless had the courage to follow the truth wherever it might lead - see his incredible story, here:

And see more about his questions and ministry aimed at Muslims, here: