Whenever you have an opportunity to be an influence for Christ, what do you do?

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Whenever you have an opportunity to be an influence for Christ, what do you do?

Post by Philip »

After Jesus' death and His Resurrection from the dead, He told His disciples, His "Great Commission":

"Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you. And behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.”

Sadly, most Christians almost NEVER attempt to influence friends and acquaintances toward Christ simply because they are scared of doing so. And because they have no idea where to start or what to say. OR, they may falsely believe that evangelizing means they have to awkwardly (and unnaturally) inject into conversations direct or confrontational "God talk" or to "cleverly" manipulate conversations in such a way that will likely make someone uncomfortable. Some Christians may think evangelism is only about "setting the hook" and then "reeling in the fish / convert." This is not true AT ALL! God might well use a short or long chain of Believers that eventually leads a person to faith. The fact is, God can use us in a variety of ways and it is HE who creates our opportunities. But because many Christians don't know what to say and they don't want to strain relationships - and often mistakenly think that is what it must mean to use their Christian influence - well, this possibility gives them tremendous fear. And so, their fear and misunderstandings typically keep them from saying anything at all! Many would rather not say anything that might screw such an opportunity up and / or just end up damaging a relationship.

If the above describes you, you need to relax and learn about a natural way to engage unbelievers, through developing friendships and naturally occurring conversations - and let God open the doors and windows of opportunity - because HE is the one that draws those so willing, and He knows the point in time that a person open to faith-related conversations. And such conversations can build very slowly, over time. But to be effective when and if such an opportunity to engage an unbeliever DOES open up, it may or may not go so far as to allow you to share the Gospel. But whatever opportunities God gives us, we need to be prepared and have understandings of what to say or how to answer their basic questions about Christianity. And knowing what to say gives one confidence - and again, remember it is GOD who uses us, draws others, and brings them to faith. So, relax and don't try to do God's part, but do prepare yourself so you'll be more usable if the opportunity presents itself.

Okay, so there is a book about all of the above, and it comes HIGHLY recommended. It's even highly recommended by the late, great Christian theologian Norman Geisler, whom also wrote a similar book called "Conversational Evangelism."

See the video as Christian apologist Greg Koukl talks about his book, "Tactics."



See some of the impressive editorial reviews and more about Koukl's book, here: https://www.amazon.com/Tactics-10th-Ann ... 682720220&sprefix=greg+koukl+tactics%2Caps%2C125&sr=8-1
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