Denying Christ in front of men

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Denying Christ in front of men

Post by 1981 »


In the Bible there is a passage which says approximately that those who deny Christ in front of men will be denied by Christ during the judgment.

My question is, should one take it without exceptions? What is exactly "denying"?

If one lies for a good cause, then it is justified also for Christians. For example saving an innocent person from persecution by lying about the person's location (although you really know the location).

Something can be evaluated being good/bad by watching its fruits - this is what Christ said.

If one lies to a persecutor that "I don't care about Christ" in order to save own or somebody else's life, then is this really denying? Or is it a lie for a good cause?

In my opinion "denying Christ in front of men" is surely the situation when one starts to practice non-christian deeds/thoughts just to be liked by those who persecute or mock Christians/Christ. But is denying also lying for a good cause?

I'm sorry for the clumsy wording, English is not my primary language. But these questions are really confusing for me.
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Re: Denying Christ in front of men

Post by EssentialSacrifice »

I'm sorry for the clumsy wording, English is not my primary language. But these questions are really confusing for me.
Hey 1981, welcome to the board. I think I understand your thought here, I hope you understand my reply...
If one lies for a good cause, then it is justified also for Christians.
There is no good cause to lie and it would never be justified by a true Christian.
For example saving an innocent person from persecution by lying about the person's location (although you really know the location)
You would have to tell the interrogator you knew where the person was but would not tell, and face the consequences.
If one lies to a persecutor that "I don't care about Christ" in order to save own or somebody else's life, then is this really denying? Or is it a lie for a good cause?
Yes, that really would be denying, on the basis of a lie and again there is no good cause for a lie.
But is denying also lying for a good cause?
No. By lying, you have just dirtied the waters of "the good cause" with sin. Facing the consequence of not lying could be more physically painful than the consequences of lying. But the consequences of lying could last an eternity, an eternity of excruciating pain.

Surely the Lord want us to be the best person we can be. The imitation of Christ and His life's examples are the only map we have, and even if the road on the map is straight, it is not always easy. Isaiah 35:8
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Re: Denying Christ in front of men

Post by 1981 »

Thank you for your thoughts!

But I still wonder, if the result of the truth is evil then is the truth really necessary? Here's also an example of exception: ... anity.html This kind approach seems to be in accordance with Christ's words that things can be evaluated according to their fruits.
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Re: Denying Christ in front of men

Post by EssentialSacrifice » ... anity.html
From all the deception that has gone on among Christians, it would seem that truth is not held in very much esteem. However, Christianity does not teach this kind of immoral behavior. The God of the Bible is also known as the God of Truth, who desires that all people convey truth to each other at all times. The Christian is to live a life that is established in truth - truth in speaking, in loving, and truth in all one does and thinks. Those who knowingly violate such ideals are in opposition to Christianity, and may not even be Christians. The Christian church is to be the "pillar of the truth."

Buy truth, and do not sell it, Get wisdom and instruction and understanding. (Proverbs 23:23)
1981, here are the final words on lying as a Christian from the link you provided.. I know your example of helping/saving someone's life by lying is a hard choice, but the right choice is always to tell the truth.
Trust the past to God’s mercy, the present to God’s love, and the future to God’s providence. -St Augustine
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Re: Denying Christ in front of men

Post by Kurieuo »

1981 wrote:Hello,

In the Bible there is a passage which says approximately that those who deny Christ in front of men will be denied by Christ during the judgment.

My question is, should one take it without exceptions? What is exactly "denying"?

If one lies for a good cause, then it is justified also for Christians. For example saving an innocent person from persecution by lying about the person's location (although you really know the location).

Something can be evaluated being good/bad by watching its fruits - this is what Christ said.

If one lies to a persecutor that "I don't care about Christ" in order to save own or somebody else's life, then is this really denying? Or is it a lie for a good cause?

In my opinion "denying Christ in front of men" is surely the situation when one starts to practice non-christian deeds/thoughts just to be liked by those who persecute or mock Christians/Christ. But is denying also lying for a good cause?

I'm sorry for the clumsy wording, English is not my primary language. But these questions are really confusing for me.
Some thoughts...

Peter denied Christ three times in His hour of need.
Christ still forgave Peter and now he's considered the first pope by many.

Death is something Christians shouldn't fear.

No one has any dominion over us who are in Christ.
We are free to respond however -- they might destroy our bodies, but then Satan's hold is lost and we're in God's hands.

It matters only what you know in your heart to be true.
I'd recommend sticking to that as much as it is dependent upon you.

If you're weak and fear death, then Christ is strong enough to carry you and already sacrificed Himself.
If you're strong and love Christ back, then don't let someone dictate your response. Remain true to yourself and Christ.
"Whoever will call on the name of the Lord will be saved." (Romans 10:13)
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Re: Denying Christ in front of men

Post by PaulSacramento »

1981 wrote:Hello,

In the Bible there is a passage which says approximately that those who deny Christ in front of men will be denied by Christ during the judgment.

My question is, should one take it without exceptions? What is exactly "denying"?

If one lies for a good cause, then it is justified also for Christians. For example saving an innocent person from persecution by lying about the person's location (although you really know the location).

Something can be evaluated being good/bad by watching its fruits - this is what Christ said.

If one lies to a persecutor that "I don't care about Christ" in order to save own or somebody else's life, then is this really denying? Or is it a lie for a good cause?

In my opinion "denying Christ in front of men" is surely the situation when one starts to practice non-christian deeds/thoughts just to be liked by those who persecute or mock Christians/Christ. But is denying also lying for a good cause?

I'm sorry for the clumsy wording, English is not my primary language. But these questions are really confusing for me.

It's a warning of the dangerous of denying Christ.
It is only for those that KNOW Christ of course.
But, as was pointed out, Peter Denied Christ not once, not twice but THREE times and Christ still forgave him.
Of course Peter was racked with guilt.

We need to remember that God KNOWS Us, better than we know ourselves.
He knows WHY we do what we do or say what we say and as such, He know why we would deny Him ( if we did).
That said, God's love and mercy is NOT a "get out of jail free" card and never has been.

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Re: Denying Christ in front of men

Post by abelcainsbrother »

If we ever denied Jesus before men for whatever reason it is not unforgivable.I think if you are a Christian you would feel bad about it,repent and ask for forgiveness and he would forgive,like he did with Peter as others have brought up.

However a non-christian would have no problem doing it and would not feel bad about it until\unless he\she ever got right with God,but if somebody dies having rejected Jesus before men and has not been saved then yes he will deny them before his father which is in heaven.

Denying Jesus before men,or speaking against Jesus is not the unforgivable sin,the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit is and from my understanding this is when the Holy Spirit convicts a person and they ignore it until they die,only God knows how many times the Holy Spirit convicted them to repent and be saved.
Hebrews 12:2-3 Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith;who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross,despising the shame,and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.

2nd Corinthians 4:4 In whom the god of this world hath blinded the minds of them which believe not,lest the light of this glorious gospel of Christ,who is the image of God,should shine unto them.
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