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Check it out

Posted: Sat Nov 25, 2006 3:36 pm
by Judah
This is a friendly reminder that this Evidence for God from Science (God&Science) website is more than just a discussion forum.

On the forum we have the opportunity to discuss the issues that arise from our thoughts and experiences in relation to Christian belief, and to knowledge of our world (science, etc). When considering the question that you would like to post to the forum, you are encouraged to check out the great many articles already published on the rest of the website. Some background reading and research of articles navigated to from the Home Page of this site will often bring a deeper understanding of the issues involved. This point has been mentioned in our Discussion Guidelines where it says
<li>Knowledge: It is not expected that you should be thoroughly educated on an issue before commenting about it. At the same token, it is impossible for us to know everything. So if a topic is new to you or you don't know much about it, then it is good to spend some time researching to increase your knowledge before writing.</li>
The purpose of this discussion forum is to provide a defense and persuasive case for Christianity as well as encouragement and instruction for Christian people and seekers. Therefore it is important that everyone who participates on this board is aware of our board purpose. Moderators are being kept busy warning those who post contrary to this purpose, and constantly removing irrelevant (incl. spam) threads and posts.

As well as being mindful of the board purpose, please also review and proof read what you are about to post. More recently I am finding posts that make very little sense, or the point the writer is making is quite unclear, due to what may be a hurried or careless attempt to put ideas into words. Typos and the odd spelling error are one thing, but I am referring to especially "woolly" or garbled sentences that have me left quite unsure what the writer is trying to say. Sometimes this is aggravated by the use of vague generalizations. Apart from doing oneself a disservice by writing in this manner, it is a matter of consideration of others who read and attempt to respond appropriately to the post.

(And would you believe, I am neither a school teacher - nor a cop?) :D

~ Judah