If there are so many possible scenarios out of the 'thousands upon thousands' of abortions to justify it being generally legal...
Could you tell me a couple? Not including the mothers life being at risk?
1) Only women can be pregnant and that is your first problem, but it takes a woman and man to have a baby. This is a biological fact, but try to analyze the social implications.
2) Being pregnant is a unique situation, because we are taking about a person inside another person, but the main problem is the unborn child who is DEPENDENT on the mother/woman to survive. An unborn child won't survive on his/her own if it is taken out the mother's/woman's womb.
3) Men/Fathers can opt-out of actually taking care of the baby. They are forced to pay financial compensation only and they are not forced to put any TIME into creating and nurturing a genuine relationship with their baby. The mother is forced to put the money in and also the TIME as well.
Let's take these as core issues.
Now you were asking about scenarios. Let me give you a few.
1) A woman is raped and she doesn't want to keep the UNWANTED and FORCED pregnancy. The psychological trauma is too much for her to handle. At the moment we don't have the medical technology to transfer babies from one woman's womb to another woman's womb. That would get rid of so many abortions.
2) A woman already has 2 children. She gets pregnant with a 3rd (this was not planned). She has a supportive husband. They both have average paying jobs. They can barely keep up with bills and mortgage and child expenses they already have.
Here comes the problem: the majority of the countries around the Globe do not protect women from getting fired when they get pregnant (I know there are laws saying that they do that but please spare me of that; laws are not applied as they should be). Basically they become a liability for the company. She could lose her job and then she couldn't provide for her 2 children. They could end up being thrown out of their house in the street. Why would a mother voluntarily choose to expose her 2 children to such dangers?
Now you might say that this wasn't a problem in the past. Well, it wasn't because the role of women has changed dramatically in the past 50 years. Today women and men have access to same jobs and house wives are a shadow of the past. Society has changed exponentially in the past 50 years.
This is just a simple scenario and it's the best case scenario, but you can create others of your own where you can add more problems to the equation.
****The main issue is MONEY as I have said in my previous posts. Let me give you a simple example so you can understand what I'm talking about.
A family (Husband+Wife) both have a $35,000/year job. Both make $70,000/year.
Let's say we have a CEO(woman or man) who earns $210,000/year.
Let's also think about a business owner who makes $5,000,000/year.
Usually people work for about 40 years before they can retire.
Let's do a little bit of math.
Family after 40 years: 2,800,000
CEO: 8,400,000
Businessman: 200,000, 000
The family would have work close to 2800 years to get to the same level as the businessman.
The family in my example represent the majority of population living on this planet and some of them are even worse than my example.
You still think that abortion is the biggest problem people have right now? I don't see it that way. Fix the gap and the abortion problem will fix itself.